Managed to lose weight would be a very pleasant thing. However, the loss of fat deposits apparently left sagging loose skin on the abdomen, thighs, arms, and other body parts. How to solve it?
One way to eliminate sagging skin instant weight loss is the rest of the operation. But wait, besides of course, very expensive, some people claim that they are not completely taut skin after surgery. Here are some tips to tighten sagging skin due to weight loss:
Drink Enough Water
Water is very large effect on the appearance of your skin so make sure your body is always hydrated so that the skin becomes smooth and supple. Drink at least 8 glasses of water (1.9 liters) to 15 cups (3.7 liter, inclusive of food and drinks) per day.Always carry a bottle of water and provide drinking to remember to drink without having to wait for thirst.
High Protein Food Consumption
Proteins are very large role in the growth and function of the organs of the body including the skin. Reduce intake of simple carbohydrates and instead eat foods rich in protein such as chicken breast, beef, or egg whites. Consumption of foods also support collagen and elastin that are beneficial to skin health such as salmon, cheese, fat-free milk (or whey protein), tofu, nuts, and beans.Rubbing Dead Skin
You know the vegetable squash or squash? Vegetables turned out to have long been known to dispose of dead skin on skin. The process is called exfoliation or flaking of dead skin.The trick is very simple, Drain squash under the sun to semi-dry, then peel the skin, then bounced to discard the seeds, and rub evenly on loose skin before a shower every time. If busy, use your sponge bath. Wasted dead skin will soon be replaced with fresh dead skin.
Wake Body Muscle Mass
Perform weight training to increase muscle mass that fills the body's skin sagging. Use a heavy load with little repetition. Pick a challenging weight and do exercises 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps times. Specific abdominal exercises, do 3-4 sets of 20-25 reps times.Supplementation of Vitamin E, A, and C
Add supplementation of vitamin E, A, and C is very good for the skin to stimulate collagen growth thereby increasing skin elasticity.Lower and Maintain Low Fat Levels
Lose weight does not mean your body fat levels low. The ideal body bodybuilder and suggest ways to reduce body fat levels (with exercise and a diet high in protein and low in fat) up to 10-12% and keep up to a year. Then the sagging skin will be tight back muscles adjust to the body. Use fat monitor to ensure that muscle mass is not reduced.Avoid Drastic Weight Loss
Advice is suitable to those who have already had skin sagging. By losing weight little by little then your skin will adjust to body size shrinks. Recommended weight loss is half a pound per week or 2 kg per month.Good luck!
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