Sleep. Everyone will love this one activity. Generally, people will spend a third of his age to sleep. Sleep is an activity that allows the body to recuperate after a long day.
Not only that, getting enough sleep also has other desirable benefits people with excess weight, which helps you lose weight. How can that be?
Sleep Deprivation causes rise in Weight Loss
A study done at the University of Chicago and University of Wisconsin explains that people who sleep less more at risk of being overweight, even when the person is on a diet once.The relationship between sleep and weight gain has been known since a few years ago. In previous studies mentioned that people who do not get enough sleep at night will likely unhealthy snack foods in the morning.
However, in the current study, the researchers revealed that lack of sleep affects the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) someone. Basal Metabolic Rate is the minimum caloric requirement needed to stay alive when the condition of the body is at rest and not move. Lack of sleep can lead to metabolic disorders, ie, decreasing the metabolic processes that can hinder the fat burning process.
Researchers tested 10 overweight middle-aged people who have an average body mass index of 27.4, the value of which is between overweight and obesity. On two separate occasions, 10 were required for a low-calorie diet and sleep for 5 hours and 8 hours in the evening.
The results showed that those who get enough sleep (8 hours at night) experienced greater fat loss when running a low-calorie diet than those who get less sleep (5 hours) at night.
More than 53 percent of the weight loss comes from decrease in body fat levels in those who get enough sleep at night, and only 25 percent weight loss from decreased body fat in those who sleep less.
Researchers believe that this is associated with increased levels of the hormone ghrelin, a hormone that can increase fat storage in the body, especially in those who sleep less.
The hormone ghrelin is also known as the hormone that triggers hunger and encourage people to eat more than normal portions. As a result, a diet that is run will feel heavy and painful. In fact, diet can make you stop it.
So if you're trying to lose weight, you should get enough sleep at night, as well as food to reduce the consumption of high glycemic index and offset well with adequate exercise routine.
Sleeping in the Dark Effectively Lose Weight
Researchers also found that the light is in a state of sleep can also cause weight gain. This conclusion was made after researchers learned that more than 60 percent of dieters can not get quality sleep because the room lights were kept burning. Light bulbs may block the body produces melatonin.In addition to helping improve the quality of your sleep, melatonin is a pure antioxidant that protects the body from the threat of harmful free radicals. Melatonin has the advantage to spread more easily throughout the body's nerve cells, thus helping to improve the body's nerve cells more quickly. Therefore, to get the quality sleep you should turn off room lights when you sleep. In addition to saving energy, you can lose weight faster.
Researchers also remind you who like to stay up every night. Too often stay up either watching television or playing computer games could increase the risk of obesity. As the body to stay awake and active all night, then the brain will merseponnya to signal hunger and feeling like snacking can lead to weight increase.
The researchers suggest, for those who want to lose weight should sleep early and reduce the habit of watching television and playing computer games before bed. And do not forget to turn off the room lights, so you get quality sleep and weight loss success.
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