In the world of fitness and body building, the question that often arises is "Can I build my muscle while lowering my body fat levels?". What do you think?
First of all, the body will not be efficient when running both strategies simultaneously. Currently the most fitting and the body is at its most efficient to run both at the same time it is when a beginner just starting weight training.
Weight training into a new fillip to the body to increase muscle mass and reduce fat content simultaneously with efficiently. The second example is when you returned to training after a long time so you do not exercise and back exercises, you will notice an increase in muscle mass and reduced fat content quickly.
"If the fat content above 12% boys and girls above 22%, concentrate on reducing the fat content first."
If your condition as stated above, concentrate on lowering fat levels while still trying to maintain or slightly increase your muscle mass. This you can do with a combination of diet 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein and 20% fat. The ratio of useful nutritional intake for most people except for the hard gainer who can eat more carbohydrates and fats.- Carbohydrates, preferably from complex carbohydrates such periodic absorption of oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and other fibrous sources such as green beans and broccoli. Since your goal reducing fat content then you need to reduce the fruits from your diet is not as unhealthy but most fruits contain simple carbohydrates which can slow down your fat loss program.
- Protein, preferably derived from chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, and red meat is low in fat.
- Fat, you should take fish oil, Omega-3, or canola oil.
When fat levels are low, it's time to build muscle.
When your fat levels below 12% for men and below 22% for girls, it's time you increase your muscle mass. All you need to do is increase your intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you about 50% of normal. Athletes usually bulk up with the record levels of fat to slightly more than 10%.The time is over, it's time you hit your calorie intake again. In fact, when you eat more calories than the body burns extra calories a day then it will be stored as body fat. However, if you practice the method is correct, then all incoming calories will be used as a source of energy and muscle building.
Weight training and cardio
Formula weight training, 4-5 X a week with a duration of 45-60 minutes. Good strategy that you need to get the highest efficiency in the exercise change your exercise parameters as sets, reps, and rest between your sets.For example, you can spend four weeks training with high reps 12-15 reps and short rest between sets like 30-60 seconds and then the next 4 weeks training with lower reps of 8-10 reps and rest as long as 90-120 seconds each set its. For its cardio exercise, doing about 5-6X a week with a duration of about 30-45 minutes when you are trying to trim the fat to below 12% and about 2-3X a week with a duration of 20-30 minutes when you are trying to increase your muscle mass. If you are a hard gainer, then you do not need to do cardio exercises.
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