A lot of people who believe that one of the signs we burn fat is by sweating. Then, is it true that the more sweat that comes out, the more fat burning? Apparently not!
Despite often
discussed, but still many people think that when we sweat when exercising, it
is a sign that the body is burning fat. It is true that when you exercise the
body will burn fat, but that’s because the exercise you do, not because the
more you sweat.
Inside Know Sweat
What is
sweat? Sweat is a liquid produced by glands in your skin. Main ingredient is
water and sodium chloride (salt), and contains minerals, lactate, and urea.
Sweating is the body’s thermoregulation or mechanisms to maintain body
temperature within the optimal level and is the body’s reaction to the feeling
that the body is overheated overheating alias so that the body was trying to
cool it down. So, as the sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin, the
body will release the heat out and lowers body temperature.
Affecting Any number of sweat?
The amount of
sweat is influenced by many factors, such as gender, metabolism, genetics,
environmental temperature and humidity, the emotional / stress, physical
activity, or the presence of disease and the use of certain drugs.
condition can be caused by heat, steam, stress, or by warming the muscles that
occurs when we do physical activities like sports. Well, here’s the physical
activity such as sports where you run two processes at the same time, the
burning of fat and sweaty.
Sweat and Fat Burning
So, if you
burn more fat if more sweat you spend? Unfortunately not. In addition to the
factors mentioned above, during exercise, each person produces sweat in
different amounts, it depends on the weight and length of exercise performed.
Keep in mind that sweating is the body’s mechanism to maintain body
Body fat is
burned when you exercise, in which fat is converted into energy for the body to
carry out sports activities. Well, when the body produces energy through
metabolism, the body will give off heat. And because the body temperature rises
above normal, the body immediately reacts to lower the body temperature
returned to normal levels. Evaporation of sweat from the skin surface will cool
the body.
But again,
how much you sweat out during the body’s cooling mechanism is different for
each person. So, not that fat will be burned into a sweat or if we are sweating
it a little bit too fat is burned. Sweating and burning fat are two different
A study
conducted by the Osaka International and Kobe University in Japan, found that
men sweat more than women during exercise, but it has nothing to do with
burning fat or intensity of exercise performed.
We may feel
more ‘light’ and even lost weight after spending a lot of sweat. But wait! This
does not mean your fat is reduced, but you are the one body of water is
The human
body is composed of about 75% water, so it will go right if more water is lost
from the body will keep our weight down?
Dehydration alert!
Maybe you’ve
seen a lot of people who exercise, mostly running, plus wearing a jacket with
super thick so more sweat that out and assume that with so they will burn more
fat and calories. This is the wrong thing. Not only enable them to experience
severe dehydration, but this way is not going to burn more fat.
caused by the loss of 2% of total body water alone can reduce the performance
of your workout by 30% and resulted in severe fatigue. In fact, loss of body
water by more than 15% of the deaths could be fatal. That’s why, if you sweat
more, immediately replace the fluids your body by drinking enough.
So, jogging
in the afternoon with a parachute jacket to increase the sweat that comes out
is not meant to burn fat. Hot temperatures, during the day, plus a jacket is
going to make the body temperature rises, and the sweat will come out to cool
it, but that does not mean it is burning fat fast and make us thin.
Well, from
now on, do effective to burn fat is to exercise regularly offset by setting a
good diet. This is the most effective way to lose weight and burn body fat.
So, do not
ever think that the more sweat that out means more fat burning! Train smarter,
not harder! (Dee)
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