Challenges in life, be it work, education, and economic issues that often appear as a form of life issues can be a cause of prolonged stress.
This condition would be a test for the health of the body, since the immune system tends to decrease when in stress conditions. As a result, the body’s so easy to get sick and can not perform activities optimally.
Besides needing vitamins and adequate rest, the body also needs essential minerals while under stressful conditions. Here are 3 of them:
Calcium is widely recognized to have benefits in your body to help maintain the growth and also to keep bones and teeth strong. In addition, calcium also apparently has other benefits for the body that is not known by many people, such as:
- Helps muscle and blood vessel expansion
- Helps blood clot
- Helping the secretion of hormones and enzymes
- For sending messages through the nervous system.
Your body can not produce calcium itself. To get it, you have to put food calcium into your diet list. Make sure you consume enough calcium, if your calcium intake is not adequate, then your body take up calcium from the bones and teeth. Over time, the lack of calcium to make your bones brittle, porous, easily broken, and you even risk a serious condition known as osteoporosis.
Some sources of calcium that you can consume is milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, certain types of fish, including salmon and sardines, soy and dairy and many more. You can also get calcium from calcium supplementation are many in the market.
Magnesium is very important for your heart health. Magnesium your body needs for far more than calcium. Amazingly, your body uses magnesium for more than 300 biochemical reactions! Mineral magic is useful for:
- Help control the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle and other muscles
- Maintain normal nerve function, and regulate blood sugar levels
- Helps your body produce protein and energy
- Maintaining strong bones and for a healthy immune system.
As well as calcium and magnesium, potassium has been shown to help fight high blood pressure. Potassium is classified as an electrolyte when it is in the body. Potassium helps your body metabolize. The function of potassium include:
- Helping to create the protein and carbohydrates in your body break down
- Assist the development and growth of body muscles proper
- Help regulate your blood acidity
- Plays an important role with the function of each tissue, single cells, and organs throughout the body.
Potassium can be found from almost any kind of meat, such as chicken and some types of fish such as salmon, cod, and sardines.
For those of you who are vegetarians, vegetables are also good sources of potassium include broccoli, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and soybeans. Some fruits also contain potassium, such as: citrus, melon, banana, kiwi, plums, and apricots.
Minerals are essential nutrients for the body to maximize function and endurance. Therefore, make sure that the above three essential minerals are always present in your diet. Greetings healthy.
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